On Wednesday, domestic benchmark indices fell for the second day in a row, reflecting global market volatility in the wake of hawkish remarks from US Federal Reserve officials and new penalties against Russia. The 30-share Sensex fell 566.09 points, or 0.94 percent, to 59,610.41, as losses in IT and financial counters weighed on the index. Its broader counterpart, the NSE Nifty, dropped 149 points, or 0.83 percent, but closed above the 17,800 mark.
Market close: On April 6, the market finished lower for the second day in a row, owing to weak global signals and selling in the auto, bank, and IT sectors.
The Sensex closed at 59,610.41, down 566.09 points, or 0.94 percent, and the Nifty finished at 17,807.70, down 149.70 points, or 0.83 percent. About 2094 shares have increased in value, 1229 shares have decreased in value, and 92 shares have remained steady.
The top Nifty losers included HDFC Bank, HDFC, HDFC Life, HCL Technologies, and Tech Mahindra. The leading gainers were Coal India, IOC, NTPC, Tata Steel, and Power Grid Corp.
The oil and gas, electricity, and metals indices all gained 1%, while the bank and IT indices both declined 1%. The BSE midcap and smallcap indices both concluded the day with minor advances.
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